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Alexander Johannson

In Bed

  • Art mp3 | Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:12:03 +0200
  • Datei Größe 3,024.53 Kilobytes | Track # 2
  • Jahr Nicht verfügbar | Album Nicht verfügbar
  • Genre Acoustic | Bemerkungen

    Nicht verfügbar

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Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Background Singer.


I am looking for

- band members (guitarist, bass player, drummer);
- a band with the aforementioned members; or
- someone to form a duet with (piano and/or guitar/bass player including (backing) vocals).

I have self-composed songs in my portolio for several albums, which I want to work out together with the band/duet fellow, rehearse and record in the studio and then perform live. In addition, it would be great to polish and improve songs written by other band members/the duet fellow or by all of us together.

I have been working in a completely different professional field, but have founded a music production company to make music on a professional basis. I am looking forward to meeting fellow band members/a duet fellow with whom thigs fit well on a personal level first of all and who are ready to go along together on this path of creating great music.

You can contact me at [email protected]

My languages are English, German and a little bit of Icelandic.

With alls this in mind, "Áfram!"

Alexander JJ

Alexander Johannson
Mitglied seit:
Jun 21 2024
Aktiv innerhalb 24 Stunden
Wie engagiert bist du:
Very Committed
Macht Musik seit wie vielen Jahren:
Ich übe normalerweise:
More than 3 times per week


Vocalist - General:
Rhythm Guitar:


Various guitars (western, concert, guitarlele, electric guitars)