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Band auf Suche nach Mitgliedern, Gesang - Tenor, Gesang - Sopran, Gesang, Gesang - Bass, Gesang - Bariton, Gesang - Alt, Violine, Kontrabass, Trompete, Posaune, Steel Gitarre, Saxophon, Rhythmus Gitarre, Piano, Andere Perkussion, Sonstiges, Mandoline, Lead Gitarre, Keyboard, Harmonika, Flöte, Geige, Schlagzeug, Dobro, Cello, Bass Gitarre, Banjo, Dudelsack, Background Sänger, Akustische Gitarre, Akkordeon.


Beschreibung finden Sie her: https://www..com/erniejamband, http://erniejam.blogspot.de/ , https://www.youtube.com/user/erniezam
*****Ernie's Bio*****
Ernie Zamora, "erniejam", flautist-pianist-composer. He was born in Guantánamo, Cuba, where he began studying music at the Escuela de Arte (Regino Eladio Boti) and at the National School of Arts (ENA) in Havana, with classical and folk influences. He has collaborated with several artists within the Cuban cultural scene, among others: –––––––––––Cuba––––––––––– "El Clan", by Carlos Manuel, "For the Vena el Gusto" (timba-fusion style) Ruby-Color. "Good faith", "Let me in" (pop-trova-) EGREM. "Diacara" (Afro-Cuban-jazz) of the legendary Oscar Valdés. "Dennis and his Swing" (timba-salsa-fusion) with Manuel Dennis in the band.
He performs several tours in Europe with "Colaito Band", and decides to settle in Spain, where he works as a studio musician, performing musical arrangements, production and editing. He collaborates with several musicians from the Alicante music scene, such as "Michel Lostanlen Trio", and works as a music teacher at the Lycee Français d'Alicante, at the Euterpemusic school. Later in the school Euterpemusic in the Lycee Français of Castile and Leon (Valladolid); He settled in Salamanca (Spain) for several years where, in addition to taking jazz classes with Bobby Martinez (master saxophonist), and studied ethnomusicology at the Conservatory of Music of Salamanca. He also collaborates on several projects, including "Afro Night" (Afro-jazz-fusion) by Cesar Capote; Alejandro Lucas Jazz Quartet, Grupo Saravá, Afrikan Joko and "Erniejam Band", which is part of an individual project comprising different styles and formats. He participated as a jury in the contest "Pirogues Musicales - 5th edition 2016" in the department of Saint Laurent du Maroni in French Guiana. He currently lives in Berlin where he collaborates with several groups, including "D'son" directed by Diogenes Nodarse, Enrico's Groove and others.

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Korg Keyboard; Azumi Querflöte